Monday, July 22, 2013

My Top 5 Favorite Book Couples

   For today's post I decided to list my personal top 5 favorite book couples. Keep in mind I have not read every book in the world and this is only my opinion. Also, I came up with my list only today, so I could have easily neglected a couple that I love. So in the comments feel free to express your opinion on my list and any couple you would add or take away. Also this post contains numerous spoilers from, The Harry Potter Series, The Hunger Games Trilogy, Little Women, The Fault in our Stars, and the Divergent Trilogy.

#5: Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta: The Hunger Games Triology

   When talking about literary couples Finnick and Annie don't come up much, but I think their love is beautiful. I think the idea that a good looking, charming, funny, victor who could have any girl he wanted, chose yes another victor, but one plagued by mental illness. When Finnick is in his second Hunger Games and the gamemakers trap him and Katniss in the part of the arena that makes them hear the screams of their loved ones, Finnick hears only Annie's cries.
  It is at that moment that Katniss and all the readers realize that Finnick does not love some ditsy capitol girl but Annie. This just adds to the beauty of Finnick's character, because up until that point although he was humorous and friendly, you believed him to be a self-centered, materialistic, capitol drone. When on the contrary he loves Annie only and would do anything for her. This makes Finnick so loveable and heroic. This is why I love Finnick and Annie, because there love survived all the obstacles.  

#4: Jo March and Theodore "Laurie" Lawerence: Little Women

   One of my favorites books is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Throughout the story the romance between Jo and Laurie grows. They start out as best friends and soon they are inseparable. They are very similar and share many laughs as well as heart felt moments. They are always there for each other and I love the fact that with all the time they spend with each other they never grow tired of one another. Although he is very close with all the March sister, he is always closest to Jo.

   Once they get old enough Laurie proposes. Jo rather unfortunately says no because she says they are "too alike" and would always "quarrel". He tells her that he'd let her win every fight but she still turns him down. After that he goes on a quest to wait for her but they both grow to love other people and unfortunately my fourth favorite fictitious romance ends without marriage or even dating.

#3: Tris Prior and Tobias "Four" Eaton: Divergent Trilogy

    The Divergent romance of Tris and Four is simply amazing. One of the reasons I love it is because there is no love triangle. Don't get me wrong, I love a good love triangle, but I also love the fact that they just knew they are meant for each other and went for it. Even though they fight a lot (I mean like every ten pages in Insurgent), they always come back to each other. Also, I love that they both protect each other. I mean Four protects Tris more than the other way around, but she did heroically save him from killing her under the serum at the end of Divergent. They both trust each other's skills  and help each other.  Not to mention they love each other so much.I mean who didn't get choked up when all Four wanted to do was see Tris when Janine was going to kill her.

      They are so different but so similar at the same time. As Tris says neither of them are "very nice", but it's just their tough exterior. They are both part Abnegation and are very selfless especially when it comes to saving each other. Their love is true and all they want is to keep the other safe.

#2: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger: Harry Potter Series

      Ron and Hermione were meant to be and everyone knows it. From the very beginning I'm sure they had feelings for each other, but by about book 6 it was full-fledged love. Sure Ron had that unfortunate fling with Lavender Brown in book 6, but when it came down to it and he was in the hospital, he uttered Hermione's name, so it's all good. Even before they shared that faithful kiss in the Chamber of Secrets, or would actually admit to each other their feeling, they would "discreetly" hold hands and protect each other so you knew they both felt it. Together they balance each other out, with Hermione's logic and seriousness and Ron's humor they complete each other . It was meant to be since the Sorcerer's Stone and still is.

#1: Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Water: The Fault in Our Stars

    I may be biased considering The Fault in Our Stars is my all-time favorite book, but who doesn't love the Hazel/Gus romance? From the first description of the gorgeous Augustus, you instantly fall for him, I mean by the time he starts saying he's "grand", you're head over heels and thankfully Gus was falling for Hazel too. Even before they are official you can't help but swoon over how gentlemanly Gus is and how natural and effortless their connection is. From their witty banter and mutual love of AIA, you knew it was bound to happen. (I mean come on when he calls her "Hazel Grace" who wouldn't go out with him) 

   At the time Gus offers to share his wish with Hazel, she is still struggling with the idea of herself being a grenade. But after their romantic Amsterdam trip with that breathtaking dinner, and the catastrophic meeting with Van Houten, she begins to let herself fall. By the time of the heart wrenching confession from Gus about his relapse, Hazel is fully in love. Even with Gus's illness their relationship still grows. With Hazel constantly around it was inevitable. The way Augustus is around her even with his condition is admirable and romantic, and by the time Gus dies, no one could argue that they weren't meant to be. That is why I love them because even though their relationship was short lived and full of struggle, they were meant to be.

  I hope you enjoyed this even though it was extremely long (sorry). But who doesn't love a good fiction romance? 

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