Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Why John Green is Amazing.

    *This post has numerous John Green book spoilers!!!!

    My favorite author is John Green. He wrote my all-time favorite book, The Fault in Our Stars and wrote other  books that I love like Looking For Alaska and Paper Towns.  He also is half of Vlogbrothers, my favorite YouTube channel. So basically John Green is amazing and I am going to give you seven reasons why.

#1: He is funny.

   John is hilarious! He writes that way too. Even when his books are sad, he makes you laugh. Just from the first 40 pages of Fault, I laughed out loud at least 25 times (I got more than a few dirty looks). The way he writes certain scenarios makes them funny. Like when Augustus  is dying, he adds bits of humor into the struggle with"The Last Good Day Before The Last Good Day". Even though Gus is dying and in pain, him and Hazel have a hilarious conversation about how his good looks are not his fault and that he is so gorgeous it might hurt others etc.. John is very clever too, like the time he had one of his characters who was black accidently buy a shirt that says something along the lines of "Keep the Confederate States of America Alive".  See what I mean?

#2: He writes good romance.

    John writes very good romances. I love the way he wrote the love between Hazel and Gus. The way he writes Augustus, it is impossible not to fall for him, which Hazel eventually realizes.  He wrote such a romantic and unique Amsterdam trip in Fault, and I loved it all, from the champagne dinner, to the faithful kiss in Anne Frank's house. It's not just in Fault that he writes romance well either. In Paper Towns he develops the relationship between Ben and Lacey flawlessly. As well as with Colin and Lindsay in An Abundance of Katherines

#3: He can bring you to tears.

   I get extremely emotionally invested in most fictional characters, and even though I feel like I know them so well, and care for them so much, books just don't bring me to tears. Except Fault. Approximately a dozen times or so I burst into tears. The only way to stop my crying was to tell myself I needed to keep reading, and the tears were blurring my eyes too much, or because John would make me laugh.  

#4: He is a convincing teenage girl.

    Fault is narrated by a Hazel, a sixteen year old girl and John is extremely convincing. I mean at one point he comments (as Hazel) on August's jawline. What guy would think to write that! He wrote from Hazel's perspective perfectly! The way he wrote about the complexity of her feelings about Gus, was exactly how a teenage girl would feel. So props to John on that one.    

#5: He is half of Vlogbrothers.

    Along with his brother Hank (who is also amazing), John runs the You Tube channel Vlogbrothers. The two correspond in videos on random topics back in forth twice a week. Not only are their videos funny but they are also informative and entertaining. And also I think DFTBA is extremely catchy:). 

#6: He is smart.
   John is very smart. Sometimes his writing is like way over my head, but usually I can figure it out. That's what I like about his writing, it challenges me. It makes me think about things from a different perspective. Although occasionally I disagree with John, I respect his opinion because he is well informed. The way he writes makes you think. I enjoy reading his books and watching his videos because he challenges me to think, unlike so many other books and especially with other YouTube videos, which are usually mindless forms of entertainment.

#7: He keeps it real.

    I love many types of books. I am very into futuristic or fantasy/adventure books, like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and Divergent. I do love those books, but there is something refreshing about John's books, he keeps it real. Like in Alaska how he leaves Alaska's death ambiguous, you want to know so badly but he leaves you without an answer. That is like real life though, sometimes you don't get a answer. Like why Gus's cancer comes back, you don't know, and you will never know, and that's what makes me love his books. He doesn't always feel the need to give a happy ending either or even closure for that matter. In Paper Towns for example, at the end you think you'll get closure as Q's walking away, but then Margo comes back and kisses him, and you are left with uncertainty. Sometimes in life though you will always remain uncertain, and John recognizes that. These are some of the many reasons why John Green amazing.

~Simply Nerdy

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