Saturday, July 27, 2013

Thoughts on Glee Season 4

***Contains some Glee spoilers***
    With the tragic passing of Cory Monteith, I can't help but wonder what will happen to my favorite show, Glee. I'm sure season five will start off with some good ratings, because everyone will want to support a show that just lost a cast member. Over time though, I think the ratings will plunge, and this is coming from a die-hard gleek! I still love the show, but let's be honest, season 4 was subpar.

     First of, honestly I think the new characters are okay. They sing well, and the writers have had some interesting stuff for them, so really it could of been much, much worse. Sure, it's definitely not the same, but although Marley will never be Rachel nor Jake Puck, it's not too bad. I also really like seeing Kurt, Rachel, and Santana off in New York. The new location is fun and interesting, and the new cast is bearable. Moving on.

    Now you  ask, Why was season 4 a downward spiral? Well I guess I'll start with the fact that the romances were poor. Without the big fan favorite couples of Brittana, Finchel, and Klaine, (Wemma doesn't exactly draw a big hype, if you know what I mean, and even that was rocky,) the show lost it's viewers attention romantically speaking. Yea, the first five minutes of the Jake-Marley-Ryder love triangle was fun, but after that you were kind of like, yawn. So love-wise, it was disappointing.

    Next, is Mr. Shuester, who besides the fact that he left the show for some time, got a bit creepy. He was always a bit off  and just seemed unattached from Glee club as a whole. So in a nutshell,  this was not Will's year.

     They did had some stand out episodes, like the one about the school shooting, which was strong and emotionally powerful. Also the whole "Glee gone Grease" thing was fun. Some other episodes were very good too, like the "guilty pleasures" one.  But then they would come out with one like the "diva" episode and you were left there like "Really?".

    Without the solid romances and totally lovable characters, the show suffered. They did however have good guest stars, like Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kate Hudson. Irritatingly though, the finale was lack luster and inconclusive. All in all, sadly for me and the gleek nation, Glee is headed down a very rocky road.

~Simply Nerdy

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