Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Essence of a Nerd


 Hi there. As you can probably figure out for yourself from the name of this blog (Simply Nerdy), I consider myself a nerd. So I decided that for my first real post,  that I'd write about what I consider a nerd to be.

    So first off, I think it is crucial to point out that I do not believe by any stretch of the imagination that being called a nerd is an insult. I mean by my definition, a nerd is just someone who gets excited about and appreciates things they find interesting. . When thinking of a nerd though most picture a dorky kid who's like really into science, which is stereotypical and inaccurate. Sure someone who is passionate about science  could be considered a  "science nerd" but that does not mean they are dorky or uncool!

    On that note there are all kinds of nerds. For example I am a huge "book nerd", I love to read and get emotional and enthusiastic about books. You can be a "music nerd", a "photography nerd",  a "sports nerd", or any other kind of nerd. Pretty much everyone is a nerd because everyone has at least one thing that they get excited over and are passionate about. So by calling someone a "nerd" as an insult doesn't make sense because you are just pointing out that they have found their passion, which almost everyone does eventually.

    So the bottom line is that since everyone is a nerd,  being called a nerd is basically a compliment because it means that you are fulfilling your gift of loving something so much that people take note of it. Those haters are basically acknowledging that you love something and you should be proud of that! So keep going nerds because everyone is one.

~Simply Nerdy

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